Wheel Blades are small, high-end skis that attach to the front wheels of a wheelchair with one simple click. They are designed to distribute the wheelchair driver’s pressure evenly onto the ground, preventing the small front wheels from sinking into the snow. The blades run over the ground with very little pressure and have no problem smoothing out rough spots.
They use two tracking channels on the underside of the skis to compress the snow and ensure stability. They are also extremely light weight and can attach in seconds to the vast majority of caster wheels. The adjustable clamp lock covers all wheel widths from 1.8 to 6 cm, or 3/4 inch to 2-3/8 inches.
Wheel Blades can also be used in sand, making traversing sand easier when used on the front caster wheels of a wheelchair, and when combined with a set of wide-tired off-road rear wheels. However, it’s important to note that while they make it easier, it is not a perfect solution.
High-end, robust materials make the skis shock- and fraction-proof. Thanks to the adjustable clamp lock, Wheel Blades can be used anywhere. They enable helpers for the first time to push wheelchair drivers in snow. They are considered the market’s best solution for snow!
Wheel Blades Wheelchair Snow Skis are available from:
Wheel Blades are small, high-end skis that attach to the front wheels of a wheelchair or baby stroller, allowing users to easily navigate through snow and ice. They distribute the user’s weight evenly onto the ground, preventing the small front wheels from sinking into the snow. The Wheelblades run over the ground with very little pressure and have no problem smoothing out rough spots. Two tracking channels on the underside of the skis compress the snow, ensuring stability. These innovative attachments are a must-have for wheelchair users in snowy climates, providing a smooth ride on snow and sand.